Florida Pick 4 Odds and Prizes

By playing Pick 4, you could win the top prize of $5,000 for a $1 bet! Other prizes are also available, depending on the play type you chose and on how much you wagered.

Florida Pick 4 Odds and Prizes Table

Use the table below to check the different play types, the prizes they each offer, as well as your odds of winning. If you aren’t sure about a particular play type, visit our How to Play page for an explanation.

Play Type Odds $0.50 Prize $1.00 Prize
Straight 1 in 10,000 $2,500 $5,000
4-Way Box 1 in 2,500 $599 $1,198
6-Way Box 1 in 1,666 $400 $800
12-Way Box 1 in 833 $200 $400
24-Way Box 1 in 416 $100 $200
4-Way Straight/Box 1 in 10,000/
1 in 2,500
N/A $3,099 for a Straight/Box
$599 for Box only
6-Way Straight/Box 1 in 10,000/
1 in 1,666
N/A $2,900 for a Straight/Box
$400 for Box only
12-Way Straight/Box 1 in 10,000/
1 in 833
N/A $2,700 for a Straight/Box
$200 for Box only
24 Way Straight/Box 1 in 10,000/
1 in 416
N/A $2,600 for a Straight/Box
$100 for Box only
4-Way Combo 1 in 2,500 $2,500
($2 Play)
($4 Play)
6-Way Combo 1 in 1,666 $2,500
($3 Play)
($6 Play)
12-Way Combo 1 in 833 $2,500
($6 Play)
($12 Play)
24-Way Combo 1 in 416 $2,500
($12 Play)
($24 Play)
Any Pair Play 1 in 100 $25 $50

Liability Limit

Unlike most other games offered by the Florida Lottery, the Pick 4 prizes have fixed amounts. However, there is a $9 million liability limit. This means that if the limit is exceeded, the Florida Lottery will stop sales for specific number combinations. Moreover, Front Pair, Mid Pair or Back Pair play types will not be allowed for that drawing.

Fireball Odds and Prizes Table

Added the Fireball extra feature? You can still win the $5,000 grand prize if you don’t end up using it, but if you’re one off and the Fireball is the right number, you could be looking at a $1,500 prize. Check them out in the table below, along with the odds of winning for each of them.

Play Type Odds with Fireball $0.50 Prize $1.00 Prize
Straight 1 in 2,500 $750 $1,500
4-Way Box 1 in 625 $190 $380
6-Way Box 1 in 416 $126 $252
12-Way Box 1 in 208 $63 $126
24-Way Box 1 in 104 $31 $62
4-Way Straight/Box 1 in 2,500/
1 in 625
N/A $940 for a Straight/Box
$190 for Box only
6-Way Straight/Box 1 in 2,500/
1 in 416
N/A $876 for a Straight/Box
$126 for Box only
12-Way Straight/Box 1 in 2,500/
1 in 208
N/A $813 for a Straight/Box
$63 for Box only
24 Way Straight/Box 1 in 2,500/
1 in 104
N/A $781 for a Straight/Box
$31 for Box only
4-Way Combo 1 in 625 $750
($4 Play)
($8 Play)
6-Way Combo 1 in 1,416 $750
($6 Play)
($12 Play)
12-Way Combo 1 in 208 $750
($12 Play)
($12 Play)
24-Way Combo 1 in 104 $750
($24 Play)
($48 Play)
Any Pair Play 1 in 25 $7.50 $15

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